Sometimes, even the best drivers can become a little too relaxed when driving. However, being inattentive in a parking garage can result in unfortunate and even dangerous consequences, resulting in the need for auto body work. Follow these tips to avoid parking garage incidents.
Accidents frequently occur when drivers try to back out of their parking spaces. Garages are dark, tight spaces with unusual angles, so it's a challenge for drivers to maintain spatial awareness. Therefore, whenever possible, drive forward and pull through the space that's in front of you to exit. Remember to proceed slowly and look for traffic in both directions as you leave.
Speeding is the primary cause of many collisions, whether you're traveling on the highway or trying to maneuver in a parking garage. Traveling fast in a dark, tight space decreases visibility as well as your reaction time. Most garages have posted speed limits to help drivers stay safe. Keep an eye out for these signs and travel carefully so that you have time to react to unexpected obstacles, such as a pedestrian stepping out from behind a vehicle, a pillar in an unexpected place, or other cars turning a corner or pulling out of a space.
It may not seem like a big deal to send a text or take a call while driving in a garage. However, drivers need to be extra vigilant since the driving conditions are unusual and visibility is limited. Wait until you're safely parked before picking up your phone.
Parking garages, especially older structures, often have low ceilings. However, many garages will also post the height limit for safe entry. Watch out for these signs to avoid costly auto body work. Be aware of your car's height and don't enter the parking garage if you have luggage or gear on top of your car.
If you've recently damaged your vehicle, contact Whitesell Collision of Waynesboro, VA for help. These auto body professionals have been providing collision repair across the Shenandoah Valley since 1949. They're a family-owned business with a reputation for high quality work and great customer service. Learn more about their services online or schedule an appointment by calling (540) 943-3361.
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